Cancer is a scary word, but early detection is key to successful treatment. Regular screenings can be the difference between catching cancer in its early stages, when it’s most treatable, and letting it progress
Progress Underway at Future Baughman Family Agricultural & Athletic Grounds at Graham High School9/6/2024
Driving past Graham High School on US Hwy 36, you may have noticed significant progress being made on the Baughman Family Agricultural & Athletic Grounds in the lot adjacent to GHS to the east. Construction began in mid-August, with McGuire Farm & Excavating & Tom Moore Excavating clearing the site for this highly anticipated project. Thanks to the generous support of the Baughman Family and other community donors, the land and funds for the project were fully donated. Over the past three weeks, substantial work has been completed. The demolition of a former home on the site is finished, and the debris has been cleared. Over 5 acres of land has been graded, and the foundation for a new parking lot is being laid, with final touches expected soon. The school will proudly recognize its donors by displaying their logos at the construction site. To stay updated on the project's progress, follow Graham Local Schools on Facebook. For those interested in contributing, please contact Graham High School at [email protected].
Thanks to US Foods’ donation, food bank locations across the area will soon be home to easily accessible food lockers. Neighbors in need will be able to pick up pre-ordered groceries from convenient community hubs, such as food banks, grocery stores, libraries and more.
The Second Harvest Food Bank of Clark, Champaign & Logan counties had this to say about the support from US Foods and Feeding America: “We could not be more excited about the opportunity to stand-up a hunger-relief locker program this year with the support of Feeding America and US Foods. Thanks to US Foods’ generous donation to Feeding America, the Direct to Neighbor locker project will enable our community members to conveniently access hunger-relief support in a manner that removes many of the emotional hurdles sometimes associated with food insecurity support. We are honored to bring such an innovative solution to our local neighbors.” ### Event to Raise Money for Breast Cancer Awareness Mercy Health – Springfield will host its third annual Pink Honor Walk later this month in support of breast cancer awareness.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting the diagnosis of about 264,000 cases in women and 2,400 cases in men annually. “Breast cancer does not discriminate! Women and men can be diagnosed at any age. Everyone has a family member, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance who has had or currently has breast cancer,” said Tracy Adrian, a breast health navigator at Mercy Health – Springfield Cancer Center. “Our goal is to raise awareness! Know your body, know the changes, know when to call your doctor, do your preventative screenings, and know your family history.” I Finally Made It To Quapotol – Part II Author: Paul Kurtz
taking the pulp of the fruit off exposing the bean. The beans are washed and then sun dried on large patios.
earned his Doctor of Medicine. With an interest in primary care, he completed a family medicine residency in Chicago, Illinois, where he gained hands-on community medicine experience, including a special rotation in Medication Assisted Training (MAT). After his residency, Dr. Dada returned to Ohio to practice family medicine in Dresden. Dr. Dada is thrilled to join the expanding physician network at Mary Rutan Health.
Education and Awareness Continue Throughout Recovery Month in September
communities affected by substance use disorder and unintentional overdose. The Healthy State Alliance, a strategic partnership between Mercy Health and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, has joined forces to pay tribute to those who have died and to raise awareness about combating the overdose crisis.
September 2024