Champaign County is full of hidden gems and so much to discover. Whether you want to let the kids run off pent up energy, provide educational opportunities, or need a place to cool off, you can easily plan a fun-filled day or weekend on our Family Fun Trail. Pick up your passport at the Champaign County Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau located at 127 W. Court St. in Urbana and enjoy quality family time together as you explore all of the stops on your journey! Once you have visited all the locations on the passport, return it to the Visitors Bureau to claim your prize! The passport will be active from June 1st to August 11th.
“Ms. Bumgardner has risen through the ranks over the past 23 years with Peoples and it is important that we reward our employees with promotions within”.
At Your Hometown Techs, we believe it is crucial to highlight the significance of implementing robust cybersecurity measures for small businesses. So, why should cybersecurity be a top priority for every small business owner? Let us tell you!
The topics were:
Each student was given a future occupation based on their current plans, whether it be going straight to the workforce or continuing their education (options included trade school, community college, bachelor’s, and master’s degree options). Each occupation provided a student with a gross income.
Next, students completed a worksheet by documenting their level of education, gross annual salary, income, marital status, and a certain number of specifically aged children. Then they were asked to determine their net pay based on the following deductions: Students then headed to the simulation. The simulation included 12 stops at various tables, where life happens. Students were asked to calculate what the costs in the following areas: The goal was to end the game with money left in their monthly budget. Most students did well with having at least a little bit of money left over, but many students were surprised at the cost of living and how hard it was to stretch their income out for a month. Many students mentioned that what they thought was a good salary turned out to not really be enough. Molly Smith, HS Counselor said, “I think the experience was fairly eye-opening. The students I talked to found it helpful and enjoyed it.” Real Money. Real World. is a collaboration between The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences and their county extension offices. If you’d like to learn more about the experience, visit Home | Real Money. Real World. (
WHO CAN WE HIRE? Age requirements for positions 14 & 15+ years old: dietary aide 16 & 17+ years old: activity assistant, dietary aide, hospitality assistant, nursing assistant 18+ years old: nursing assistant, activity assistant, personal service assistant (HS grad), housekeeping, dietary aide, laundry aide.
$12/hour for entry-level positions ($13/hour on weekends); opportunity for training and advancement (leading to higher pay). Shifts start at 3:30 p.m., usually done by 7:30 p.m. Flexible schedule, every other weekend commitment. Click here to apply today!
Bair is a 2023 Health Care Hero in the Manager category. The Federally Qualified Health Center operates in Bellefontaine, Indian Lake, Urbana and West Liberty. The group provides primary care, integrated behavioral health care, wellness care, chronic care management, medication assisted treatment for substance abuse, pharmacy, nutrition and other services. "Tara is constantly working to reach more underserved patients through expansion and better serve current patients through thoughtful innovation," says Kelly Borth, chief strategy officer at GREENCREST. Originally focused on Logan and surrounding counties, CHWP in 2022 expanded to a community health care center in Urbana, Champaign County. “It was clear that Urbana needed a community health center not only for recovery patients, but to also eliminate barriers to primary care and other health services for all community residents," Bair said. CHWP improved patient engagement through a two-way text communication system. CHWP is the only Ohio provider with a two-way interactive messaging system where a patient can ask questions and schedule exams. “Tara is an innovative leader willing to adapt to best serve her community,” Borth said in her nomination of Bair. “She goes above and beyond to reach those who are not getting the health care they need due to financial restraints or geographic accessibility. She meets them where they are.” Bair also serves as the incoming chair of the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers and chair of its Ohio Primary Care Workforce committee. Come out and help support people of Champaign County. Breast Friends Forever of Champaign County helps those with breast related issues from mammograms to breast cancer patients.
February 2025