There was a time that those containers were unheard of. Then, along came ORBIS and changed how we transport goods. Before plastic, wood was used to help contain and transport goods. In 1895, what is now the Menasha corporation was the largest manufacturer of turned wooden ware. By the 1950’s, another pioneer by the name of G.B. Lewis became the first designer of plastic reusable containers. In 1974 they came together when Menasha acquired G.B Lewis and renamed LEWISSystems. In 1995 ORBIS came under the Menasha corporation and now we have Orbis Menasha. Folks who grew up here in Urbana may recognize the LEWISSystem name that we know now as Orbis. Started locally in 1980, what was once LEWISSystem, ORBIS is still the leader in plastic reusable packaging. After recently acquiring the remaining parcels of the old Q3 building, ORBIS plans to expand their facility here in Urbana. They will be hosting a Ground Breaking Ceremony tomorrow at 10:00 am, click here to learn more about this event.
Event Details:
5 pm Silent Auction and Wine Bar 6:15 Dinner 7:00 Fashion Show and Speaker Breast Friends Forever of Champaign County's Mission: Empowerment of women, to find strategies to cope with cancer diagnosis & overcome; Give support through prayer, phone contact, & one-on-one conversations; Provide comfort bags to those recently diagnosed; Provide funds to assist with co-pays, prosthetics, diagnostic testing & other medical needs; Provide an opportunity for breast cancer patients to concentrate on healing by meeting a requested need to help reduce anxiety and heal! We also provide support for the Mercy Mobile Mammography Unit when setting up in Champaign County. We are 100% donor funded. This allows us to help many in our county, because of an overwhelming support from our community!!
Their experts design a solution based on their customers’ needs and create and deliver reusable packaging program designed for cost-savings and sustainability.
For more information, please contact the Champaign Economic Partnership by September 30, 2022, via phone at 937-653-7200 or email at [email protected].
The museum will be open during the festival, allowing guests to see the rich history of Champaign County. Admission is $3.00, with proceeds going toward the museum. Make sure to come out Sunday October 2nd from 10-4 and support the legacy of Champaign County.
From that point, Marcia Bailey, former director of the Champaign Economic Partnership (CEP), along with the city began to work with True inspection Servis (TIS) and Orbis to redevelop the existing building and sell the remaining parcels.
All of that hard work has come to fruition in the past few weeks as we saw the Grand Opening of the Community Health and Wellness Partners new facility in the old building and Orbis officially became the owners of the remaining parcels. At the ribbon cutting, guests were treated to a tour of the new facility. They had pictures of various locations that depicted what the original building looked like. A testament to hard work and dedication, and seeing the potential beyond the current reality, the new Johnson's building stands as a shining example of not judging a book, or a city, by its cover.
This year, Tina expanded her resume to party planner, opening up an adorable event space where she does all the work for her guests. Her shop not only has yummy goodies, but also an array of party supplies, T-shirts, and candles. The Champaign County Chamber of Commerce included Let’s Eat Cake as part of their scavenger hunt for their Leadership class this year, where Tina showed teams how to decorate a cupcake. It was a highlight for the teams to decorate and more importantly, eat their cupcakes. So, if you are in need of a mid-week pick-me-up, head over to Let’s Eat Cake and grab something sweet.
They recently expanded again, opening a branch in Urbana. First Central National bank offers an array of products, from checking and savings to money market and health savings accounts. With hometown banks going by the wayside, it is wonderful to know Champaign County has a local bank available for the needs of the community.
KTH manufactures automotive frame components for automakers worldwide. Although Honda is their major partner, many may not know that they also make parts for other auto manufacturers, including Toyota and Tesla. This has helped KTH continue to be a stable employer for our county. They have been in St. Paris since 1985 and employee over 1,000 people. They have had two major expansions since 1985 and continue to grow. Their total investment is over 30 million dollars and over 47 million dollars in payroll, providing a huge economic impact on our community. They have automated over the past several years as well, providing an opportunity for those in the engineering field to find a local place to work.
KTH has also been a leader in our community. They can be found supporting local agencies such as the Champaign County Chamber of Commerce, or helping out at the fair every year. The HR staff are involved in the local manufacturing HR Council through the Champaign Economic Partnership(CEP). The CEP has been partnering with KTH for several years providing resources both financially as well as employment assistance. They have worked with our school business liaison in the schools which has resulted in employment and internship opportunities for our local graduates.
Live Entertainment:
As a special treat, Schmidt’s Restaurant from German Village, Columbus will be offering Bahama Mammas, knockwurst, German bologna, German potato salad, kraut, sweet red cabbage, pork or chicken brats and their famous jumbo cream puffs! If you have not had one, you do not know what you are missing! Heavenly! (FULL SCHMIDT'S MENU AVAILABLE HERE.) No OktoberFest is complete without beer – and we will have a beer trailer offering a variety of your favorites! Delicious food, live entertainment, and an admission price of only $3.00 – what could be better? Mark your calendar and don’t miss this day of fun for the whole family! OktoberFest is the largest fundraiser for the Historical Society and the proceeds fund over half of each year's operating budget.
Just print or save your email confirmation after online purchase and exchange or show it for a shopping bag and passport the day of the event at the Champaign County Chamber of Commerce (127 W. Court St., Urbana OH).
For more details, visit or call 937.653.5764 or send an email to [email protected]. |
February 2025